Toronto Hoarding and Extreme Cleaning Services will disinfect your home with Benefect Decon 30 fog.
Our commercial grade fogging machine produces a disinfectant fog that evenly distributes on surfaces including hard to reach areas of your home.
Benefect Decon 30 is registered with the EPA and has a 99.99% kill rate for Bacteria, Viruses, HIV, Mold and Fungal Spores. This product is suitable for countertops, sinks, showers, pet habitats, children’s toys, high-chairs or any surface where germs are a concern. Benefect Decon 30 is not required, nor recommended, to be rinsed or wiped away due to its botanical ingredients and safety profile.
Benefect Decon 30 is a powerful (industry standard) disinfectant with these safety benefits:
- No Synthetic Chemicals (Decon 30 is a Natural Botanical Formulation)
- No warning labels or special precautions are required for Benefect Decon 30
- No PPE required
- No evacuation of building occupants required
- No rinsing or wiping required – even on food contact surfaces
- Wool Safe – approved as a sanitizer for wool and rugs
Cleaning Vs. Disinfecting
The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines the difference between cleaning and disinfecting.
- Cleaning is the removal of dirt and impurities from surfaces. It does not kill germs. But by removing them, it lowers their numbers and risk of spreading infection.
- Disinfecting refers to using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove grime but kills germs on a surface.
The Disinfecting Process
Toronto Hoarding and Cleaning Services will fog your home with Benefect Decon 30 disinfectant. The fogging process will ensure the surfaces in your home will be treated with disinfectant that is certified by the EPA to kill viruses. Please refer to the Benefect Chart provided to review the efficacy of this product against a range of organisms.

Cleaning Service
Toronto Hoarding and Extreme Cleaning Services also offers full scale extreme cleaning services. We use professional chemicals and commercial steaming equipment. Our commercial steaming equipment delivers a stream of high temperature / high pressure steam that cleans surfaces and gets into the cracks and crevices of your home.

No products have been tested or EPA-registered specifically against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). This pathogen is not available for testing and standard methods for laboratory testing do not exist.
No disinfectant, at this time, may make a claim on their EPA-registered label that the product is proven effective at killing the COVID-19 Coronavirus. The EPA & CDC state that if an antimicrobial product can kill a small, non-enveloped virus it should be able to kill any enveloped virus.1 All of ICP’s ERG disinfectants fulfill the requirements of EPA for List N. The list was created by EPA for disinfectant products with small, nonenveloped virus label claims, whose manufacturers were interested in enrolling for future virus outbreaks. ICP ERG disinfectants meet the requirements of the Emerging Pathogen efficacy requirements and have approvals for multiple Small Non-Enveloped, Large Non-Enveloped (Rhinovirus and Norovirus), and Enveloped Viruses on their labels. Decon 30 has existing authorized labels stating kill of one or more small, non-enveloped viruses such as Rhinovirus or Norovirus or they have a human coronavirus claim on the existing EPA-registered label. View the application guidelines on the back for more details.
References: 1 –