In order to truly deal with a hoarding situation, the person who hoards must receive professional treatment. There are medications and counselling programs to deal with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Treating this disorder requires the cooperation of the person who hoards and could take months to years to treat. The hoarder can be provided with links to services.
In order to deal with the dangerous situation created by the hoarding behavior, more immediate action must take place. It will be impossible to “convince” a true hoarder to simply throw their items away. The only thing you can do until they are treated properly is to convince them that it is okay to store their items elsewhere. If they know their items are in a safe place that they can visit it will provide relief. This is the least intrusive and most respectful action. The unit cannot remain in a state that is dangerous to the community – but the situation can be dealt with in a respectful manner.